

Introduction by Howard Greenberg

Introduction to the photo book “Resonance”
Howard Greenberg (gallerist)

Today I immersed myself, or should I say I lost myself, in Yumiko’s photographs. We pose the question, “What is a photograph? “or more pointedly, “What can a photograph be?” The answer lies in the realm of many layers of experience. However, Yumiko’s photographs ask a different question of me. To where do these photographs take you? A simple answer could be to another place and time, more appropriate for a photograph of architecture or of an event. The place I travel to with her flowers and skulls is, however, not a physical, earth-bound location. It is a spiritual place – A quiet, private world of transcendence.

As you look, and look harder, a strange and elusive experience unfolds. The sensations of a life cycle from birth to death make you tingle, and you find yourself wondering what it is about these photographs. A merely physical description, simple enough to render, falls short. A scientific reading is certainly relevant and worth considering, but misses the point. The meaning and effect of Yumiko’s photographs are felt below the mind – somewhere between the heart and that place within, where profound experience occurs.

Accordingly, these are not adequate words of description to assist in understanding or appreciating these deep earth and lighter-than-air images. Yumiko Izu gives us only a path, a simple elegant passage, to a certain place. Material substance yields to metaphor and imagination. What at first glance is physical and curious, remains.

イントロダクション 「リゾナンス」写真集に寄せて






訳 井津由美子